Upendra Srivastava
Many of you people must have already watched this movie and so am I; personally I’m happy with the arti-facts shown in this movie. Reading my initial line might make some of my friends from Media industry angry but I would request them to read my complete article.

To initiate, first of all I would write my own perception and there after I would move towards the movie.

Whole world knows about the power of media; they have the strength to create an opinion, they have the power to change a complete option/perception about a person/topic and above all they have the stamina to reach within every one’s home.

However, as always said, great power brings greater responsibility but I think (you all would also agree with my opinion) media somehow isn’t able to play a greater responsible role. Please note: here I’ve mentioned the word ‘greater’ – the part till now media is playing is somehow ‘OK’ but at sometimes I find something really very silly on their part. And as I always say for this I’ve my own reasons, I am just listing a couple of examples:

Media Commercialisation: I know to drive any industry ‘money’ is an important factor but I also know that it is not important to such an extent for which all the news channels are competing with each other.

It has happened to me very often (around 80%); when I switch on my T.V. to watch news – I get to see advertisements on the entire news channels. This doesn’t stop – at several occasions I had waited for 10 mins approx. but failed to hear single news.

There is a perfect dialogue of Mr. Amitabh Bacchan in the movie, “the main objective of media should be to bring real/actual news to the people and money should only be a mere way to do it but today media’s main objective has become to make money and news has become a way to do it”.

Disgusting shows: I totally fail to understand as to why a show of “future foretelling” could be a part of news channel. Why a documentary is required of what Salman Khan wears at night/morning whatever. Why to re-narrate a musical/comedy show again when they have already been aired on their respective channels.

These types of show not only create dis-interest of people towards the news channels but it also creates a negative image towards them.

Sensationalising idiotic news: Can a dog and a cat being together could be a breaking news, a monkey playing with a cub could be a breaking news. I mean these are just a couple of examples but if I’ve to list then I can give 100 of such examples. I don’t think I’ve to explain much about it.

Now about the movie: probably it seems, every time media exposes to other people but this time Ram Gopal Verma is exposing Media. But the movie is not about media bashing – it’s about the media vulnerabilities, it’s susceptibilities, it’s compulsion and greed.

This film shows the conflict between the business sensibilities against a person who listens to his conscience and how does a person compromise with his conscience for the survival in the Media industry. It’s a kind of slow movie and it might just stun viewers with it’s griping drama set in the live-by-the minute world to T.V. journalism.

About the audience: all in all – this movie is not full of fun and frolic moments. Thus, the viewer who can bear a realistic drama (though in slow pace) should definitely like this movie and other may have their own reservations for this movie.

I’ve never done this before but if I’m asked to rate this movie out of 5 Stars (I’m sure which I’ll never be) then it would be ‘***/*****’.

Though I’ve never played critics part for the movies but I now think I should give it a try at least.

Would request to all my dear readers to leave your comments (+ive or –ive) as it always encourages me to write more and it helps me to synchronise my vision with you all.

With lots of love……………
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17 Responses
  1. Samuel Says:

    Hi Upendra,

    I'm again bound to agree with your opinion. It's high time now that Media should realise it's responsibility and act accordingly.

    - Sam

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Bravo Upendra!!! Agreed with your point, all the best for your writing.


  3. Megha Says:

    Agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed with you upendra, my full support to you against these Media persons. I totally endorse your point of view.

    - megha

  4. Nisha Says:

    My Dear Upendra,

    You don't know me but I know you very well, don't be surprised (it's because of your articles).

    I've really gone crazy about you (you look so handsome and innocent in your snap and above all your writing is so fantastic).

    Please meet me (please reply to this message and I really want to meet - I've totallly gone crazy about you). Please do consider this a gentle request (I'm almost down to my knees).

    With my heartiliest love - Yours and only yours Nisha

  5. Sushil Says:

    Yaar upendra, ye kya ho raha hai teri to kaafi fans ho gayi hai and wo bhi ladkiya - pls meri bhi dosti bhi kara de yaar :)


  6. Vaishaali Says:

    Hey upendra, where were you till now - amazing peice of writing. When I read your article I feel like I'm reading some of the celebs article - your writing is almost creating a revolution.

    Please don't stop writing even if you don;t get any comments (they do not matter any more for you).

    - V

  7. Anonymous Says:

    I totally agree with your point my friend - media definatly has to play a more responsible role.

  8. Leo Says:

    Hi Upendra,

    This is leo, I just want to ask one question, How can you make this kind of allegation just on the basis of one question.

    I would wait for your reply.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Upendra, you know that reading your article could be a pissing experience for someone against which your've written in your blog.


  10. Anonymous Says:

    freaking p a a agreed!!!!!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    nice one bro!

  12. Media Says:

    You've really hit hard on us my friend - Media

  13. Sonal Says:

    Upendra - it's not ok that you post your articles only on weekends.

    You should frequently publish your articles so that we can get to read more quality stuff.

    Believe me initially you may not get much readers/comments but the day you start being regular - you'll get readers more than a newspaper.

    At least I'll reading newpapers. By the way just to let you know all my friends has read your all of the articles and they have loved it.

    Would you mind sharing your mobile number with us (my humble request).

    - Sonal

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Rather than reading your article have read the comments posted, amazing!!!

  15. Anonymous Says:

    Upendra - do you write this by yourself or do you get some one to write this, please reply!!!

  16. Anonymous Says:

    Good one.

  17. Unknown Says:

    Hi Upendra,

    Nice work man, I believe the subject article in a benevolent approach still making a strong impact.
    Keep it up dude!!

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