Upendra Srivastava
To start - I am personally happy with what has happened in IPL auction for the neighbouring players. I may be sounding a bit of arrogant and against the mission that Times of India is carrying forward for the peace in between two countries but for this I’ve my own reasons.

In Short, I would like to write my reason and rewind a short story what happened months back:

It has already been a perfect strategy of our neighbour to impose a proxy war on us such that the blame does not go on them and we (India) on the other hand succumbs under the International pressure resulting no retaliation.

This is being carrying on for the last 50 years, and it was repeated again on 26/11 – hand full of terrorist tried to invade Mumbai. Clearly after investigation (this included FBI from US) and Geo news channel - it was proved the terrorist were from Pakistan. But from day 1, Pakistan refused it’s role in it and always reiterated the statement, “people involved in this attack were not from their country”.

OK dude – after this statement all proofs after thorough investigation when handed over to Pakistan in the form of Dossier. The proofs were so evident and so strong that this country was not in a position to deny – thus here what a new statement was rolled out, “the people involved in the attack were from their country but they are non-state actors and Pakistan is not responsible for them and has nothing to do with them”.

Agreed friend, if you call them non-state actors then based on the proofs given, please hand over the convicts and perpetrators to us so that charges on them could be resulted into the conviction. Here comes again a perfect stupid smartness of Pakistan – even though the people are non-state actors but as these people belong to their country the trials would happen in their own country and for that more proofs were demanded from India.

Everyone knows how many times proofs were handed over to Pakistan and till now what has been done from their side. All this drama for demanding proofs and trials were just a time pass as they knew that as the time would pass all these reactions would fade away automatically.

And I think this anticipation wasn’t wrong though. As time progressed, the grievances every Indian had in their hearts began to melt down (we have almost forgotten the days we’ve seen in the past). To draw a bridge in between the two countries Times of India also started its Peace mission, organising concerts in between the artists of the two countries.

But my question is why it is required and will it change anything? Haven’t this been done is the past and that to a much larger extent and has it changed anything? Will this concerts and collaboration ensure that such type of attacks will not happen in future?

Recently a statement has come from Pakistan, “they cannot guarantee if the attacks like 26/11 will not happen again”. Again it’s very simple to understand - if they will not act against them then they will never be in position to guarantee, as still the Lashker, Jaish-e-mohammad are still active within their territory.

Trust me guys I’m very much happy what has happened in IPL – it still shows that some way or the other we’ve managed to retain the pain of 26/11 in our hearts. It is very simple to understand the theory of “Give and Take”. If Pakistan would have shown it’s eagerness to bring the perpetrators of 26/11 to conviction then probably the relation in between the two countries would have been much different/better.

But as they’ve shown absolute reluctance in it then it’s fine with us – life continues, we’re on the path of becoming an Economic power and we’ll continue to do so but for us they hardly matter anymore. As rightly said by Modi in his interview –“Pakistani players not being selected in IPL is not an issue and it is not to be discussed any more, and we owe no explanation to them”.

These are my thoughts. Dear readers, I would like to know your thoughts as well, please do leave your comments (whatever you feel like) as it would help me to introspect myself also to understand if my thinking is right.


With lots of love…………….
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I strongly agree with your point!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I totally agree with your friend and thanks for igniting the factor once again!!!

  3. Sushil Says:

    Bingo!!! my friend I agree..................

  4. Samuel Says:

    Thanks Upendra for igniting this once again in our hearts.

    I agree that somewhere we're lost in ourselves. Just to let myself, I'm a 75 year old man and has been literature feild for quite sometimes. I'm very much impressed with your writing skills, thanks for sharing this with us.

    I'll be following your articles futhur also, please keep on postings such more articles


  5. Anonymous Says:

    great!!!! I'm with you upendra and your thoughts are very much correct!!!

  6. Manya Says:

    Hi Upendra,

    Myself Manya. I totally endorse your point of view. Just to add I've gone through all of your articles and I personally find it quite amazing. Your writing skills are as good as your looks are (I'm not flirting though).

    I'll be following all your articles, please be in touch.

    - Manya

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Upendra - I found your article quite rude and unrealistic, as you simply cannot live happilly in a world surrounded by HATE and Anger.............

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