Upendra Srivastava
My last to last article was on 'IPL Snub' - happened couple of weeks ago. For the article I got some of the positive and negative comments (including the emails received).

The dramatic & surprising sequence of the IPL is still continuing, as everyone know what's happening in Mumbai - the issues raked up by the Shiv Sena and the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena. Yes, you all are correct, issues for North Indians residing in Mumbai and declaring Shahrukh Khan as an anti-nationalist personality.

Recently, I've received some of my readers email questioning me, “if I agree with the decision taken in IPL then I also may be agreeing with the assertions made by the Shiv Sena for Shahrukh Khan and probably for North Indian too”.

My dear friends let me first clarify - I myself belong to North India so there is no question of agreeing with this issue. And trust me even if I had not been a North Indian then also I would have never agreed with this issue.

Now, let’s come onto the next bright & burning issue, prevailing in the country - the comments made by 'Shiv Sena and MNS' for their cheap popularity. Let us think for a while, a political party (with handful of workers, only limited or say confined to Maharashtra) is vomitting poison for the people of India in the name of Marathi & Non-Marathi, and hence doing devise to divide people of India. Then how can anyone believe that both these parties can talk about a country as a whole (for India & Pakistan).

Let me take this up-frontally and candidly that today ‘Pakistan’ may not be a greater threat but definitely both of these parties, their method of sayings, dividing people of North and Maharashtra may prove greater danger & damage to our country. Again as I always say for this I’ve my own reasons, such as:

Divide & Rule policy: East India Company (Britishers) ruled on us for almost 200 years by following the principle of – “Divide and Rule”. Both these also parties have adopted the same principle and are dreaming to rule over Maharashtra at-least if not India. Trust me friends, even if this North Indians and Marathi issue is resolved, on the very next day both these parties would bring another issue that would even divide Marathies as well.

Original norms & values: Shiv sena has basically forgotten their original norms and values, and MNS a virtual subsidiary (as Raj Thakerey initially were part of Shiv Sena) thus the same applies to them as well.

To my understanding original norms and values of Shiv Sena is complete devotion to country.

I would like to get into very basics, the ideal of both these parties (mine as well and probably of all Indian) “Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj” is known for his devotion to the country as a whole, he fought & struggled against the enemies of the country. His thought, his vision of an Independent India was not limited to Maharashtra itself. And I think, this is what Maratha’s are known for.

My first question to the Marathi people, are they proud of what is happening in Mumbai? And would they inculcate the same concept in their children too.

My next question, let’s for the time being forget who Marathi is and who is Non-Marathi. Do we agree with what is happening in Australia with the Indians?

I’m confident that Mr. Bal Thakrey and Mr. Raj Thakrey must be ‘OK’ with it, as what they are doing in Mumbai the same things Australians are doing their own country. And I think Mr. Raj Thakrey must send their children in Australia for studies and I would love to know his reaction when he is being given the dose of his own medicine.

What anyone does not expects from others, he/she should not do same to others. If we do not appreciate rude and rod action taken by Australians against Indians, how can we justify unlawful, discriminating action being created in Maharashtra. Any Indian having good sense will certainly not (no question arise) appreciate their dividing & discriminating action.

Every person in this world look forward to opportunity, as of now Mumbai is having an edge as most of the Multi-National Companies and Industrial sectors are there. So it is but natural that the people from all over the country look forward to this city. The same applies to all over the world, people have migrated from India to U.S., U.K. etc., as and when opportunity came in the way. But my dear friends please note – if all the countries may have followed the same theory which Shiv Sena and MNS are following then India today would had been 30 years back in the development.

Spiritualism, an illusion: I’ve always seen from my childhood, Mr. Bal Thakrey wearing Saffron clothes, rudraksha mala in his neck, his party is also named on ‘Lord Shiva’. All together these things automatically brings a perception about the party but when it comes about it’s actions then the picture is completely different. This is for the simple reason that spiritualism (for any religion) actually unities people, bring people together, bring peace and harmony.

Everyone knows that the Blood Group may differ but Soul Group can never. A body contain different organs, and if anyone tries to separate an organ from his body then would his body work or would he be able to survive?

Our country is a body and different regions are its different organs. The racial issues raised by both these parities are not for the welfare of Marathi people but for paralysing the body (our country).

And probably that’s the reason I quoted above, Pakistan may not be a greater threat but shortly discriminating notion of these parties are!!!

26/11: a very unwanted and unfortunate incident happened in our country. I remember how whole country stood up for Mumbai; I personally kept the new channel opened for complete 3 days. After everything got over, everywhere in India prayers for the peace and well being of Mumbai were organised.

During this whole incident, where were Mr. Raj Thakrey, Mr. Bal Thakrey and Mr. Uddhav Thakrey? I never saw them appearing in front of any news channel and mentioning any condolence for the people died in the attack. Didn’t these so called ‘Lions’ (by themselves only) had the guts to face people. If they’re so much obsessed with Marathi people then at that time they should have stood up in front and must have declared that only Marathi people will fight this war and no outsiders allowed.

Declaring Shahrukh as an anti-nationalist: What crime has Shahrukh committed for him to be declared as anti-nationalist? It is only that he spoke just what he thought genuine then probably after this article is published, I may also be declared an anti-nationalist person or probably a fatwa kind of thing would be issued from Mr. Bala Shaheb Thakrey against me, who knows?

And I believe if all Indians starts speaking honestly with their mind then might be Mr. Thakrey would declare whole country as anti-nationalist. Probably, the definition of a true national in the mind set of both these parties are those who supports their point/concept, rest all are anti-national.

Every person in India is entitled to make fair comments but it is in no proper way and just to my mind that such great artist should be declared anti-nationalist, Mr. Shahrukh Khan is also an Indian and as loyal to the country as anybody can be.

Frankly speaking, my respect for Shahrukh Khan has increased to a lot – first of all with great dignity and confidence he spoke honestly what he felt about the incident happened in IPL and thereafter his denial of apologising even in so much of pressure (his next big film is just about to release).

At Last: Dear Readers - I just wanted to say that I had these things going in my mind but wasn’t able to convey. Truly speaking, I have said everything but many things is left to say and I’m sure your precious comments would fulfil it.

It’s now high time for us to raise our voice rather than hearing their noise, we’ve to bring ourselves together so that we can show them the real picture. I’ve already done my bit and would require your support to make it successful.

Please forward the link of this article to your friends and family and get their comments on it, more comments would show what mass thinks about it and thereafter I would send this article to media, letting them know what’s the verdict of people on these issues.

With lots of love……………
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Upendra, you know that you may have to pay price for this article!!!

  2. Sonal Says:

    My full support to you upendra, good going!!!

  3. Nisha Says:

    I love you upendra (muaahh)

  4. Rakesh Says:

    You have created a fire my friend!!! My best wishes to you, I'm with you.

  5. Subhanshi Says:

    Good piece of writing, my vote of support with you upendra!!!

  6. Sanket Says:

    Blown away, me and my famil wih you. By the way just to let you know (I am a Marathi)!!

  7. Sam Says:

    My support to you upendra (I'm from south)!!!

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