Upendra Srivastava
It’s all about maya (money maya) in Uttar Pradesh. I remember a song from Akshay Kumar’s film, “tu paisa paisa karti hai, paise pe kyu tu marti hai”. I don’t how much did this song make sense in the movie but definitely it make sense for the India’s biggest state, Uttar Pradesh.

Recent a law for ‘right to education for every child’ passed in the assembly. On one hand the effort of Central govt. was appreciated for putting this in place. At the same time on the other hand, statement was made by the Chief Minister of U.P. for the non-availability of the funds for implementing the law in the state.

Well a genuine person can only laugh at this.

Everyone knows how crores of money was invested/wasted in building monuments, statues of Mayawati and Kanshiram. She had money for constructing parks and monuments, she had money to wear a money garland but she doesn’t have money to implement right to education law in the state.

Probably what I can understand, Mayawati wants to create her own legacy as Kings & Mughals did in the past.

IN ANCIENT history, there were many dynasties and empires. Emperors spent lots of money on art and architect. Beautiful buildings were built, which shows the legacy and excellence of the king and his respective dynasties. In those tombs, they tried to show the deeds of the king, they have shown the proper court assembly or any other story, which shows the greatness of the king, was carved over the walls of the huge tombs. Buildings and monuments were made so that coming generation would get some idea about the king or its dynasty.

The time has passed away but there is still a kind of rabidity or a passion of showing off the legacy. Especially with the activities happening in Uttar Pradesh, I can figure out; not everything has changed; only the process of working has changed. King’s rule is absent only in name and minister rule is still there. Earlier governments used to be by the king but for the people, but now, it is by the minister/Chief Minister and for the minister/Chief Minister.

A newspaper had published the photograph of the memorial. Two huge metallic tombs were facing each other. A howling metallic round shape stupas were standing. Each is built on a 20-foot-high platform across five lakh square feet of area and standing about 200 m away from the main structure of the building.

The stupas were built in Lucknow and are believed to be the biggest dome in the country. Mayawati has spent lot of time, money and land over the project. An elephant gallery with 60 stone statues of BSP’s election symbols and a gallery with statutes of six Dalit icons . Three statues of Mayawati have already been installed. The project initiated on 23 acres since Mayawati’s first tenure as CM, is now spreads across 123 acres in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.

Not only this, she had built at least seven memorials including parks like Mnyawar Kanshi Ram Memorial, Kashi Ram Bhujan Nayak Park, Ramabai Ambedkar Rally Maidan, etc. She has spent over crores in these projects.

How has she gathered such a huge amount of money and the land?

Well the fact is no one in the state can dare to ask this question. But she has the courage and guts to demand money from the Central govt. to implement a law.

In this new millennium, on one hand all nations are looking eagerly towards India and are willing to partner/work closely. There at the same time a state of India, capable to invest hundreds of crores of money for construction demands money to implement a law.

Being an idealistic youth of this country, it’s my opinion. These incidents only bring pain and grief in my heart. I don’t know where and when these dirty political games would be over but I do know is that everything has an end date and one day it will definitely end.

Please do mention your thoughts as well.

With Love!!!
Upendra Srivastava
India Today Conclave 2010, Day 2 (3rd session, Venue – Taj Palace, New Delhi) – topic debated ‘Idealism Vs Reality’; I was the privileged and fortunate one to be a part of the audience for the debate session.

Being a Software Engineer, I was supposed to attend a debate session for Science and Technology. However, being an idealistic youth I was more excited and interested for this session.

For debate: Mr. Deependra Hooda (MP), Miss Assin (Bollywood actress), Mr. Ranbir Kapoor (Bollywood actor), Ms. Tanya Dubash (Ex. Director & President, Godrej Industries), Miss Roopa Purushotoman (Head of Research), Mr. Adrian D’souza (Goalkeeper, Indian National Hockey Team) were invited by the India Today group.

In the session, some great thoughts were put through by all these people (especially from Deependra Hooda, Aasin and Adrian) quite elaborately and candidly with which I agreed to the most of it and had difference in opinion from the few of it.

Obviously, as all the sessions were shown on television itself, thus I would not be detailing the speeches of all these people (but definitely would list the excerpts) instead would like to write my opinion for the topic and would request all the readers to write their comment whatever they feel like.

What I personally think, in today’s work system/dynamics/infrastructure, an idealism and it’s reality has become two separate entities, opposite in nature and with no connection to each other. Simply for the matter of fact, for an ideal situation/condition, its reality is completely different. Here I would like to list few examples of it:

i) In terms of idealism, in all the fields – opportunities/treatment for all the people of India should be same irrespective of their caste/creed/colour/family/region but the reality is that still in 20th century these factors play an important role.

ii) In terms of idealism, the basic amenities/facilities should be provided to all the people and region of India but the reality is today still there are considerate (not negligible) amount of places and it’s people who are deprived of these.

iii) In terms of idealism, our politicians should be our true representatives but the reality is today still (what I think) more than 60% politician has registered criminal/civil cases in court against them or they have criminal records.

iv) In terms of idealism, our education system/it’s fee structure should be accessible to each and every person of India but the reality is today even a middle class person thinks twice to get his son/daughter admitted in a preparatory school, forget about the higher studies.

v) Ideally, today’s youth should carry some idealism that they should follow but the reality is for being successful in this competitive world they don’t have or carry any, they are willing to do whatever it comes on their way for getting successful.

vi) Things get even worse, when few who carry some idealism in their life when they practically enter into their work system, under the pressure of the merciless dynamics of the work system they tend to compromise (this also iterated by Aasin in her speech).

This is the truth of Idealism and Reality. There was one point that I anticipated for this debate to conclude which it did that I’ll share later.

In the debate, Deependra Hooda who was questioned over politics mentioned about his idealism and what he would like to see the face of Indian politics to be.

According to him, his preference would be over the progressive politics rather than divisive politics, politics that talk about the equal right for each individual irrespective of the caste/region and family. In the politics he would rather like to discuss about the Electricity/Water/Infrastructure rather than reservation/vote bank/communalism.

He also said though these are not so easy and it would not be reflected straightaway instead it would take time but what we should not give up is hope.

Aasin on the other hand showed the real picture of the Indian film industry where each actor/actresses is considered as a commodity and almost all is replaceable with the next and how in this scenario a person does have to compromise with his/her ideal.

Adrian D’souza however showed another picture. As per him if we’ve conviction in our idealism, we’ve the unity and if we stand together then Idealism does turn into reality. Example he gave about the strike that hockey team initiated just before the world cup. But what the most important thing he mentioned is the “hope” and “conviction” of whatever we are doing is correct.

This was only the point that I anticipated this debate to conclude.

Friends, there is never 100% ideal situation/condition in reality but what is required is that with this matter of fact we should never give up on idealism. Rather we should have conviction in ourselves, we should have a hope and we should have guts to fight.

That’s all !!!!

With Love
Upendra Srivastava
My last to last article was on 'IPL Snub' - happened couple of weeks ago. For the article I got some of the positive and negative comments (including the emails received).

The dramatic & surprising sequence of the IPL is still continuing, as everyone know what's happening in Mumbai - the issues raked up by the Shiv Sena and the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena. Yes, you all are correct, issues for North Indians residing in Mumbai and declaring Shahrukh Khan as an anti-nationalist personality.

Recently, I've received some of my readers email questioning me, “if I agree with the decision taken in IPL then I also may be agreeing with the assertions made by the Shiv Sena for Shahrukh Khan and probably for North Indian too”.

My dear friends let me first clarify - I myself belong to North India so there is no question of agreeing with this issue. And trust me even if I had not been a North Indian then also I would have never agreed with this issue.

Now, let’s come onto the next bright & burning issue, prevailing in the country - the comments made by 'Shiv Sena and MNS' for their cheap popularity. Let us think for a while, a political party (with handful of workers, only limited or say confined to Maharashtra) is vomitting poison for the people of India in the name of Marathi & Non-Marathi, and hence doing devise to divide people of India. Then how can anyone believe that both these parties can talk about a country as a whole (for India & Pakistan).

Let me take this up-frontally and candidly that today ‘Pakistan’ may not be a greater threat but definitely both of these parties, their method of sayings, dividing people of North and Maharashtra may prove greater danger & damage to our country. Again as I always say for this I’ve my own reasons, such as:

Divide & Rule policy: East India Company (Britishers) ruled on us for almost 200 years by following the principle of – “Divide and Rule”. Both these also parties have adopted the same principle and are dreaming to rule over Maharashtra at-least if not India. Trust me friends, even if this North Indians and Marathi issue is resolved, on the very next day both these parties would bring another issue that would even divide Marathies as well.

Original norms & values: Shiv sena has basically forgotten their original norms and values, and MNS a virtual subsidiary (as Raj Thakerey initially were part of Shiv Sena) thus the same applies to them as well.

To my understanding original norms and values of Shiv Sena is complete devotion to country.

I would like to get into very basics, the ideal of both these parties (mine as well and probably of all Indian) “Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj” is known for his devotion to the country as a whole, he fought & struggled against the enemies of the country. His thought, his vision of an Independent India was not limited to Maharashtra itself. And I think, this is what Maratha’s are known for.

My first question to the Marathi people, are they proud of what is happening in Mumbai? And would they inculcate the same concept in their children too.

My next question, let’s for the time being forget who Marathi is and who is Non-Marathi. Do we agree with what is happening in Australia with the Indians?

I’m confident that Mr. Bal Thakrey and Mr. Raj Thakrey must be ‘OK’ with it, as what they are doing in Mumbai the same things Australians are doing their own country. And I think Mr. Raj Thakrey must send their children in Australia for studies and I would love to know his reaction when he is being given the dose of his own medicine.

What anyone does not expects from others, he/she should not do same to others. If we do not appreciate rude and rod action taken by Australians against Indians, how can we justify unlawful, discriminating action being created in Maharashtra. Any Indian having good sense will certainly not (no question arise) appreciate their dividing & discriminating action.

Every person in this world look forward to opportunity, as of now Mumbai is having an edge as most of the Multi-National Companies and Industrial sectors are there. So it is but natural that the people from all over the country look forward to this city. The same applies to all over the world, people have migrated from India to U.S., U.K. etc., as and when opportunity came in the way. But my dear friends please note – if all the countries may have followed the same theory which Shiv Sena and MNS are following then India today would had been 30 years back in the development.

Spiritualism, an illusion: I’ve always seen from my childhood, Mr. Bal Thakrey wearing Saffron clothes, rudraksha mala in his neck, his party is also named on ‘Lord Shiva’. All together these things automatically brings a perception about the party but when it comes about it’s actions then the picture is completely different. This is for the simple reason that spiritualism (for any religion) actually unities people, bring people together, bring peace and harmony.

Everyone knows that the Blood Group may differ but Soul Group can never. A body contain different organs, and if anyone tries to separate an organ from his body then would his body work or would he be able to survive?

Our country is a body and different regions are its different organs. The racial issues raised by both these parities are not for the welfare of Marathi people but for paralysing the body (our country).

And probably that’s the reason I quoted above, Pakistan may not be a greater threat but shortly discriminating notion of these parties are!!!

26/11: a very unwanted and unfortunate incident happened in our country. I remember how whole country stood up for Mumbai; I personally kept the new channel opened for complete 3 days. After everything got over, everywhere in India prayers for the peace and well being of Mumbai were organised.

During this whole incident, where were Mr. Raj Thakrey, Mr. Bal Thakrey and Mr. Uddhav Thakrey? I never saw them appearing in front of any news channel and mentioning any condolence for the people died in the attack. Didn’t these so called ‘Lions’ (by themselves only) had the guts to face people. If they’re so much obsessed with Marathi people then at that time they should have stood up in front and must have declared that only Marathi people will fight this war and no outsiders allowed.

Declaring Shahrukh as an anti-nationalist: What crime has Shahrukh committed for him to be declared as anti-nationalist? It is only that he spoke just what he thought genuine then probably after this article is published, I may also be declared an anti-nationalist person or probably a fatwa kind of thing would be issued from Mr. Bala Shaheb Thakrey against me, who knows?

And I believe if all Indians starts speaking honestly with their mind then might be Mr. Thakrey would declare whole country as anti-nationalist. Probably, the definition of a true national in the mind set of both these parties are those who supports their point/concept, rest all are anti-national.

Every person in India is entitled to make fair comments but it is in no proper way and just to my mind that such great artist should be declared anti-nationalist, Mr. Shahrukh Khan is also an Indian and as loyal to the country as anybody can be.

Frankly speaking, my respect for Shahrukh Khan has increased to a lot – first of all with great dignity and confidence he spoke honestly what he felt about the incident happened in IPL and thereafter his denial of apologising even in so much of pressure (his next big film is just about to release).

At Last: Dear Readers - I just wanted to say that I had these things going in my mind but wasn’t able to convey. Truly speaking, I have said everything but many things is left to say and I’m sure your precious comments would fulfil it.

It’s now high time for us to raise our voice rather than hearing their noise, we’ve to bring ourselves together so that we can show them the real picture. I’ve already done my bit and would require your support to make it successful.

Please forward the link of this article to your friends and family and get their comments on it, more comments would show what mass thinks about it and thereafter I would send this article to media, letting them know what’s the verdict of people on these issues.

With lots of love……………
Upendra Srivastava
Many of you people must have already watched this movie and so am I; personally I’m happy with the arti-facts shown in this movie. Reading my initial line might make some of my friends from Media industry angry but I would request them to read my complete article.

To initiate, first of all I would write my own perception and there after I would move towards the movie.

Whole world knows about the power of media; they have the strength to create an opinion, they have the power to change a complete option/perception about a person/topic and above all they have the stamina to reach within every one’s home.

However, as always said, great power brings greater responsibility but I think (you all would also agree with my opinion) media somehow isn’t able to play a greater responsible role. Please note: here I’ve mentioned the word ‘greater’ – the part till now media is playing is somehow ‘OK’ but at sometimes I find something really very silly on their part. And as I always say for this I’ve my own reasons, I am just listing a couple of examples:

Media Commercialisation: I know to drive any industry ‘money’ is an important factor but I also know that it is not important to such an extent for which all the news channels are competing with each other.

It has happened to me very often (around 80%); when I switch on my T.V. to watch news – I get to see advertisements on the entire news channels. This doesn’t stop – at several occasions I had waited for 10 mins approx. but failed to hear single news.

There is a perfect dialogue of Mr. Amitabh Bacchan in the movie, “the main objective of media should be to bring real/actual news to the people and money should only be a mere way to do it but today media’s main objective has become to make money and news has become a way to do it”.

Disgusting shows: I totally fail to understand as to why a show of “future foretelling” could be a part of news channel. Why a documentary is required of what Salman Khan wears at night/morning whatever. Why to re-narrate a musical/comedy show again when they have already been aired on their respective channels.

These types of show not only create dis-interest of people towards the news channels but it also creates a negative image towards them.

Sensationalising idiotic news: Can a dog and a cat being together could be a breaking news, a monkey playing with a cub could be a breaking news. I mean these are just a couple of examples but if I’ve to list then I can give 100 of such examples. I don’t think I’ve to explain much about it.

Now about the movie: probably it seems, every time media exposes to other people but this time Ram Gopal Verma is exposing Media. But the movie is not about media bashing – it’s about the media vulnerabilities, it’s susceptibilities, it’s compulsion and greed.

This film shows the conflict between the business sensibilities against a person who listens to his conscience and how does a person compromise with his conscience for the survival in the Media industry. It’s a kind of slow movie and it might just stun viewers with it’s griping drama set in the live-by-the minute world to T.V. journalism.

About the audience: all in all – this movie is not full of fun and frolic moments. Thus, the viewer who can bear a realistic drama (though in slow pace) should definitely like this movie and other may have their own reservations for this movie.

I’ve never done this before but if I’m asked to rate this movie out of 5 Stars (I’m sure which I’ll never be) then it would be ‘***/*****’.

Though I’ve never played critics part for the movies but I now think I should give it a try at least.

Would request to all my dear readers to leave your comments (+ive or –ive) as it always encourages me to write more and it helps me to synchronise my vision with you all.

With lots of love……………
Upendra Srivastava
To start - I am personally happy with what has happened in IPL auction for the neighbouring players. I may be sounding a bit of arrogant and against the mission that Times of India is carrying forward for the peace in between two countries but for this I’ve my own reasons.

In Short, I would like to write my reason and rewind a short story what happened months back:

It has already been a perfect strategy of our neighbour to impose a proxy war on us such that the blame does not go on them and we (India) on the other hand succumbs under the International pressure resulting no retaliation.

This is being carrying on for the last 50 years, and it was repeated again on 26/11 – hand full of terrorist tried to invade Mumbai. Clearly after investigation (this included FBI from US) and Geo news channel - it was proved the terrorist were from Pakistan. But from day 1, Pakistan refused it’s role in it and always reiterated the statement, “people involved in this attack were not from their country”.

OK dude – after this statement all proofs after thorough investigation when handed over to Pakistan in the form of Dossier. The proofs were so evident and so strong that this country was not in a position to deny – thus here what a new statement was rolled out, “the people involved in the attack were from their country but they are non-state actors and Pakistan is not responsible for them and has nothing to do with them”.

Agreed friend, if you call them non-state actors then based on the proofs given, please hand over the convicts and perpetrators to us so that charges on them could be resulted into the conviction. Here comes again a perfect stupid smartness of Pakistan – even though the people are non-state actors but as these people belong to their country the trials would happen in their own country and for that more proofs were demanded from India.

Everyone knows how many times proofs were handed over to Pakistan and till now what has been done from their side. All this drama for demanding proofs and trials were just a time pass as they knew that as the time would pass all these reactions would fade away automatically.

And I think this anticipation wasn’t wrong though. As time progressed, the grievances every Indian had in their hearts began to melt down (we have almost forgotten the days we’ve seen in the past). To draw a bridge in between the two countries Times of India also started its Peace mission, organising concerts in between the artists of the two countries.

But my question is why it is required and will it change anything? Haven’t this been done is the past and that to a much larger extent and has it changed anything? Will this concerts and collaboration ensure that such type of attacks will not happen in future?

Recently a statement has come from Pakistan, “they cannot guarantee if the attacks like 26/11 will not happen again”. Again it’s very simple to understand - if they will not act against them then they will never be in position to guarantee, as still the Lashker, Jaish-e-mohammad are still active within their territory.

Trust me guys I’m very much happy what has happened in IPL – it still shows that some way or the other we’ve managed to retain the pain of 26/11 in our hearts. It is very simple to understand the theory of “Give and Take”. If Pakistan would have shown it’s eagerness to bring the perpetrators of 26/11 to conviction then probably the relation in between the two countries would have been much different/better.

But as they’ve shown absolute reluctance in it then it’s fine with us – life continues, we’re on the path of becoming an Economic power and we’ll continue to do so but for us they hardly matter anymore. As rightly said by Modi in his interview –“Pakistani players not being selected in IPL is not an issue and it is not to be discussed any more, and we owe no explanation to them”.

These are my thoughts. Dear readers, I would like to know your thoughts as well, please do leave your comments (whatever you feel like) as it would help me to introspect myself also to understand if my thinking is right.


With lots of love…………….
Upendra Srivastava
Hello to everyone, it’s LOHRI today (13 Jan 2010) and wish everyone a very happy Lohri in this New Year.

For each festival there is a story behind. Initially I also did not know why this Lohri festival is celebrated (mostly in Punjab itself), as I’ve just come to know about it – it would fair by all means if I share the same with you guys.

Story Behind it -

Dulla Bhatti, was like Robin Hood who rob the rich and gave away the looted articles and money to the poor. The people of the area loved him and respected him but in the eyes of the Govt. he was a wicked person.

The story is Lohri word is derived from the word LORI. The Lori ( the song which the mothers used to sing to get their infants sleep). It is the festival we use to celebrate for the welfare of our children as during Lori period usually mothers bless their children for their well being.

The Lohri is being celebrated to remember Dulla Bhatti person like Robin Hood.

The tale is:

A person had two daughters called Sundari & Mundari. Both were exceptionally beautiful. The person got his daughters engaged. As the celebrations of marriage of the daughers were going on. The father got message from their would be inlaws that we shall not get our sons married to your daughters as we have got the message from a powerful person that if you get your daughters married then we shall kidnap your daughters.

On getting this message, the father of the girls went to jungles in the search of Dulla bhatti (King of Pind (Village) Bhattian) who was put to mughal king for revolting against him. As Dulla Bhatti, like Robin Hood robbed the rich and gave to the poor. So, the people of the area loved and respect him. Lastly he found out Dulla Bhatti wala and told him the tale that my daughters will be kidnapped and I am here to get your favour.

Dulla Bhatti who was basically a very nice person, assured the man that He will adopt his daughters and will do the Kanya-dan (wedding rites). Dulla Bhatti promised the man but he was nothing to offer to his adopted daughters in wedding as he used to distribute what ever he had to the poor the same day.

He called the village persons and requested them to contribute something for the wedding of his daughters. The village men contributed about Rs.1/- each for the wedding.

The song sung at the time of Lohri:

Sundar Mundariye ho!
Dulla Bhatti wala, ho!
Dulle di dhi viahi ho!(Daughter of Dulla got married)
Sher sakar pai " {He gave kilo of sugar as a gift to everyone on the marriage of his adopted daughters}
Dulle da salu pata ho! {The honour of Dulla get questioned}
Salu kaun samete ho! {Who saved the honour}
Chacha Churi kutti ho! {The uncles (Village persons) Churi (the mixture of Sugar & Flour wheat, corn, peanuts, popcorn, sweets made of til-chirva, gajak and revari (sesame and jagery) means prepared dishes for the wedding party.}
Dulle di dhi viahi ho!
Sanu de lohri. " Give us donation".

A few years back children had been moving form door to door, singing the Dulla Bhati folk song and used to clebrate just to remember that Dulla Bhatti wala had done a benevolent job with begging for the wedding of his adopted daughters. Though he can get her married with a looted amount as well. But he preferred to get them married with alms.

So, this festival is celebrated in the memory of our hero every year on this auspicious day of Lohri by singing and dancing on this noble cause.

Why people dance around the Fire?

At the time of marriage of Sundari and Mundari Dulla Bhatti wala had did a yagya. In which the fire had been lit and the prayers had been made about the long life of Sundari and Mundari. As fire is associated with concepts of life and health. Fire, like water is symbol of transformation and regeneration.

On this occasion, people offer peanuts and revari (sesame and jagery) to propitiate fire as a symbol of the Sun God.

People also celebrate this festival where there is a birth of a newly born baby and also by newly married couples.

I request you all my countrymen to loud their voice against female foeticide problem. The counting of the girl children is going down day by day. If we continue to get the girl child aborted then how we will get our sons married.

Give the girl child the right to say Mama to her mother. Don't kill her. We all especially the Punjabis will repent later on if we continued to bear the stamp of KURI MAR- Murderer of Daughters.

I on this occasion congratulate you all and wish that - we should follow the footsteps of DULLA BHATTI. WHO DID A NOBLE CAUSE AND WE REMEMBER HIM FROM THE LAST SO MANY CENTURIES. AS THIS IS THE TALE OF MUGHAL REGIME.

So, by saluting the deeds of Dulla Bhatti , I congratulate all my country men on this festival of Lohri.

NA MARI, NA MARI, NA MARI, NA MARI MEINU MERIYE MAYEIN! Don't kill me, Don't kill me, Don't kill me, Don't kill me my mother.

With Love ..............
Upendra Srivastava
Breaking news, confidential resources has confirmed – much hyped and overrated RECESSION (which almost ended way back but was being kept alive by our so called reputed corporate organisations) is on the verge of its ending and would no longer exist.

Here the topic “Recession over; Race session starts” is to compare about the situations faced in the past and future waiting ahead. It would not be a surprise for anyone of us (referring to all the software engineers/employees hit by recession) thinking to switch our jobs, thus I’ve used the terminology ‘Race Session’.

Obviously, the recession has pushed our career 2 years back both professionally and economically and I’m sure no one would be able to forget the trauma, fatigue and jeopardised career that one may have gone through this period of time.

During this phase when we were facing tough times, there most of organisations were seeking this period as a time of opportunity and tried (but actually) made the most of it. At one hand when they were busy in FIRING its employees/slashing their salaries there at the same time on another hand we all were always bothering how to retain our jobs.

Every day on new channels we used to hear, so and so organisation fired their number of x no. of employees. The process that came out for laying out were also quite interesting, as in some organisations the employees were told in advance to search another job in next couple of months while some organisations simply mailed it’s employees to submit their access/identity card straight to the admin dept. and collect their re-leaving letter.

I remember in my younger days, i.e., when I was in 10th and 12th standard, I used to hear about “Software Engineers” – they have good package (packages varying from 25 to 30 lacs per annum), they carry good life style, they often go to abroad on the company’s expenses (the same vague information aspired me to become a Software Engineer else I would have been a Doctor at least). But it’s a truth of life - what you always plan may not be actually what you are destined for in real life, as just see the irony - in this recession period, the highly paid employees were among the most endangered species and were close to extinct.

But with one point everyone would agree, basically all the engineers are quite high in their spirits (24X7) as even in this situation we’ll find a way out to cheer ourselves. Emails in between the colleagues within the organisation and across different organisations started to float for finding alternative solution if job is lost, some suggesting to open a tea stall in front of the office, some showing that our own project manager has started a bakery shop, some showing our Tech. Lead has already started the Pan Masala shop in front of the office gate (innovation is not a restraint for Engineers at least).

One day I remember one of my friends (one of the endangered species) called me and asked me if there is an opening going on in my company. Not with much of surprise and amazement I asked why? What happened in his company? He told me, there are only few highly paid people in his organisation; all of them have already been laid off. And yesterday itself his BOSS was also been fired and while going his BOSS has told him “ALL THE BEST”. (Intelligent man I must say, he got the hint).

This could be quite funny I must say but its seriousness could only be understood by a person who has gone through its enigma. I take myself, working in my first organisations HCL Technologies Ltd - I never feared of being fired as there was no terminology existed before recession started. An employee was only being terminated or asked to leave in extreme situations (for e.g., Integrity issue, Discipline issue etc.), I never feared of fighting with my Managers or Team Leads in front of anyone if I’ve to.

But in my current organisations this perspective was totally changed. Soon after I joined my current organisation I saw that in batches employees were being asked to leave the organisation. It was first time when the fear of being laid off cropped up in my heart also; employees were laid off regardless of their performance and tenure within the organisation.

Here, one of the most important fact (may or may not be noticed by you guys) that all this slow/melt down also impacted marriage aspects, as for every parents; Software Engineers were the most lucrative and preferred product (son in law) for their daughters (because high salaries, good life style and bonus points if he is on site abroad or already settled there). Just to reiterate that here just the highly paid Engineers were the preferred ones.

But we always forget, “Change is the order of Nature” and this time Recession brought this change. All the happening going across the globe changed the mindset of parents/guardians also, as they started considering the Engineers with medium salaries as one of the good product for their daughters. They were forced to do so because the highly paid Engineers were no longer available and those were there in the market they were already married 3 or 5 yrs back.

Anyways back to our IT Industry, amid all these proceedings - eventually started lots of gossiping among all of us, I used to gossip a lot among our colleagues/friends about the spread sheets. I used to throw rumours, ‘I’ve seen the HR spreadsheets and tell them that their names are in it’– indirectly telling our colleagues they are being fired, I make them to speculate who would be the next.

I used to enjoy in spreading the rumours and let other to speculate but one day we all received an email by our Group Head, it was sent to HR and cc’ed to us (incidentally our names was not taken off from CC tab), this email contained a xls sheet for the overall performance review of all us.

I opened the sheet, there were three colour codes mentioned: Green, White and Red. Few people names were appearing in Green, few were in White and few (including mine) were in Red. Seeing this made my mind totally blank – I got absolutely sure that in the next batch I would be the one to get out. Suddenly one of my friends came in to discuss about the sheet and started to congratulate me, I thought he is properly taking a nice revenge for what I’ve done to him. I asked him seriously not to do this idiotic anymore as I’m not in a good mood. I think he realised why I’m upset and asked me to see the xls sheet properly once again. When I saw the sheet again I came to know why he was congratulating me, as the names appearing in Red were for the excellent performers, names appearing in White are the average performers and the names appearing in Green are for the non-performers.

This was a sigh of relief for me but also a point of realisation - the distress probably I’ve caused to others. May be a joke could be an entertainment factor for me and for others but the person who is targeted is distressed and from here I stopped making joke or spreading rumours for anyone.

AT LAST, now finally as the year 2009 has ended the so called recession has ended – statistically is already proven and the year 2010 would bring the peace of mind for all of us and also it is expected that IT/ITES would grow up to 15% to 20% altogether.

Definitely, everything contains good and bad in it. This recession brought a storm in all of our life which is bad but the good about is that it has brought learning for us. We now know better how to survive in adverse situation/conditions. Before recession, we lived the life expecting that the coming days would be even better than today but never gave a thought what if it is not the situation. This phase has compelled us to think and plan better.

In the New Year, my advice would not to be to again start a race of switching and changing organisations but would be to grab the opportunities (no matter if it gets in the same organisation or in a different organisation) with both hands. Bring back the respect and honour of an Engineer which is somewhere lost and definitely if an organisation fails to deliver this please switch/change as soon as possible. From now on rather than following a casual approach we need to plan ourselves better and give our life and career new meaning and a new edge – people smiling/laughing at us had to shut their mouth and indeed for all the parent/guardian Software Engineers would still remain a lucrative product.

With lots of love…..