Upendra Srivastava

This past weekend, I'd intended to post a new story about working for the Census but I really don't know I ended up with a poem. Here it goes:

Once in a blue moon sky
I was thinking …. thinking & thinking………………
Then I realized …..
Is there anyone who can fly…
I looked up in the sky but no one found up high…………
Am I alone there??
No net yet (my heart said)
These stars ………. are giving me silent smile …………..
Just up in this blue moon sky ……
Can anyone tell who are they??
Light ……… Shine ……… or someone who died ….
Who bothers for them ……………
Is that you, me or ………..??
I wasted many nights,
Searching for just a line (answer line)………..
And tonight …………. Again,
I’m under the blue sky ……..
Thinking ………. Thinking ……………
Is there anyone who can fly ………………??

Thought always gives a better idea to life
Thought always gives a reason to smile
Thought always changes the things are
In fact, thought changes the way we are
That’s the reason I like to be awake in night
To see things in black and white

Endless thought gives me an impression
In this fast forward world
Do anyone care about emotions
Bcoz reaching physically to a star isn’t possible,
Thought gives us the strength to reach there
And it’s because of this we have reached there.

This poem (hope everyone likes it) actually started with a joke. One day in the office (having nothing to do), me and my colleague ‘Geetika’, let me introduce my closest friend in office, her name is Geetika, the only thing I can say about her is that she is a friend in need as well as in deed. We had nothing to do in the office, just to break the ice of silence these words simply came out of my mouth “Once in a blue moon sky I was thinking, thinking and thinking”. As soon as I said this line, Geetika replied with “Is there anyone who can fly” and after that we both started laughing. After this we realised that this lines are quite good and could be base of a poem and thus we decided to go further and complete this poem.

In the later lines of the 1st paragraph of the poem was contributed by my friend ‘Shilpi Vats’, the 2nd para is completely mine. Thus altogether this is written by Me, Geetika and Shilpi.

How strange, although it may not be a very good attempt but we three of us made a decent effort and I think we all have more or less good enough writing skills.

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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Amazing poem and good effort, keepit going

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