Upendra Srivastava

Life ….never stops, in a journey of lifetime there are something to remember and something to forget. There may be instances that we always want to keep it for ourselves forever and certain instances that we want to forget as soon as we can. But have we ever realised whether we actually forget the incidents that we want to forget.

Just for the experiment if we collect both of these (mentioned above) together, later we’ll get an array of instances happened throughout the life that one would always read and cherish forever.
Thus, this blog is an effort in this direction.

The common idea for the blog is to share the thoughts across the world and a blog is considered successful if it gets most number of readers and followers. Being a beginner in the blog world I also expect that I’ll get the followers and readers and my ideas, thoughts and writing skill would be appreciated. But I don’t care if I don’t get any of these and this will not stop me in any ways in blogging.

Effort in my writing would definitely be to collect my passed life along with thoughts, ideas and vision. Thus, I’ve named it as ‘Synchronising Vision’, let see if I succeed in synchronising my vision along with world or not.

All the visitors visiting my blog for the first time then here is a message for you, “Welcome”. Definitely a promise that I can make with all of you that I would try to answer each and every comment to the best of my ability. Don’t worry this also include if anyone put a link in their comment doesn’t mean that I delete it. I’ll read all the comments, visit all the links and I would love going there and seeing what you have done, also would forward the same to the rest of my friend.

Wish me luck and success in the blog world.

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