Upendra Srivastava
My mind absolutely got numb over brutal and barbaric act done by delhi police over the Ram Lila Maidan and this shows the actual mind set of the central government which has been “democratically” selected.

The central govt., and delhi police definitely deserve three cheers and applaud from us.

I’m questioning myself, is this kind of democracy we’re aiming to live in where any one can’t even protest for just demands. Though I’m not a fan of Baba Ramdev but whatever happened has only left every one deep pain and grief.

After independence this country has been transformed a lot and so is the ideology of the congress party as well I guess. Else I don’t find any reason, Satyagrah as one of the ideology on which the great leaders of congress party fought for independence of the country would behave exactly like britishers.

We all know Mr. Rahul Gandhi is quite passionate towards the right of common people, their protection which was quite evident when he tried to visit Saberi village in Greater Noida. If no one else but surely I’m waiting if he could comment on this incident but I’m very much sure he will not because the whole Gandhi Family is HIPPOCRATES, OPPORTUNISTS AND THEY INDULGE THEMSELVES WHERE THEY OR THEIR PARTY COULD GAIN POLITICAL ADVANTAGE. Whether it is going into the Saberi village or sitting in between the common people in Cricket World Cup Semi Final match 2011.

Just one point I want to make, this central govt., till now has not been able to execute Afzal Guru whose death sentence was ordered way back because they don’t have the guts to do it but this govt., has the guts to lathi charge, to fire tear gas on sleeping children and women and to set the tent ablaze on fire.

This incident has totally exposed the black faces of govt., and the overall conclusion is whatever happens be it lac’s and  crores of scams, surrounded by corrupt politicians, we continue to die paying income taxes and continue to live in high inflation environment  - we should remain dumb & deaf viewer else we’ll be crushed to death!!

Once again three cheers for our democratic corrupt govt.!!!

Dear readers do leave your comments with your thoughts on this as well!!

With Love!!!